RWYM's most global citizen is Ashleigh Sanderson, who coaches mostly in Asia, but also South Africa ,Kenya, Germany, Italy and Spain. In Asia she coaches in Singapore, Kuala Lumpar, Bali and Thailand. Her website is 

She is accredited to LEVEL1 MASTERY.


Both Mary Wanless and Anna Gordon-Redmond have taught in South Africa. More recently British Coach Suzanne Marshall has held clinics there. Ashleigh Sanderson also coaches there. Mary-Ann and Jenny have created a thriving community of learners in the Jo'burg area. Jenny has coached some of their International Para Riders, and has just upgraded to Level 2 Competence. We Brits all rellish the thought of returning there in future!


Mary Wanless taught in Australia a number of times in the 1990s. She has recently been forging links with Andrew and Manuela McLean from the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre. She looks forward to returning to Australia at some stage.


We welcome Tara to the fold of accredited coaches in New Zealand. Anne Mongomery from Perth, Australia, also holds regular clinics in New Zealand (See above). Mary visited in December 2016, and looks forward to going again soon.