"I recently signed up for your "On the Bit" course. Like many women who were in love with horses and rode as children, I gave it up in my 20's. I started riding again about 10 years ago after retiring. I am now 72 and have a lovely Thoroughbred that I've owned for 6 years. He is a bit on the hot side with sometimes, a little too much go, a little too braced and tense. I have struggled with getting him on the bit and keeping him there. Your course reminded me of the need for all the basics to be there. Some of the basics as you describe them in your course, are already in place as habits for me but a few, not. "Bearing down" and rhythmic breathing are two that were missing. So here's the best part of this story. When I have all the pieces in place and working, my horse is relaxed and lovely. And I have become more comfortable with "giving" when he raises his head and hollows out. I printed out the photo of you on the lovely chestnut horse that you used to advertise the On the Bit course. That photo is now taped on the inside of my tack locker and is the first thing I see every day when getting ready to ride. It is now embedded in my brain. I now rate my rides based on how close to that photo I can get each day. And I give my rides a % score of Mary Wanless moments (now shortened to Mary Moments). Some days are only 25% Mary Moment days and others 50 -60% Mary Moment days. For now I consider a 60% MM day on this particular horse, a good day. So I thank you for doing the online course... Best regards, Blair S and Sir Walter OR, USA"
"Please let the team know how much they are appreciated. I live in a very remote part of Idaho and have no access to even a basic riding instructor. The nearest instructor is a 3 hour drive away over the mountain pass and the cost just to travel there makes taking more then an occasional lesson out of my budget range. Thank you, Susan"
"Looking forward to mod #2. So very well done, I have complete faith I will improve for my horses sake & my own! At 62, and someone who has had zero riding experience before the last 2 1/2 yrs, I find your program/methods/video speak to all my issues, which are all the issues. Congratulations for such a high standard of care you give all folks who aim to ride ethically. My first concern will always be for my mount, but realizing that I need to ‘be the change we both need’ to have my lovely gelding be his absolute best & most healthy. Kindest regards, Kim."