This is Ali's second session with Kirstin and George. Ali continues to work with Kirstin on keeping George's attention in the school and keeping him focused.
Kirstin encourages George to take a longer stride in walk and trot and to reach into the reins. In trot on the left rein, George's pattern is to look left and fall out through the right shoulder. Kirstin works on using her right leg and right rein to turn him, keeping his head straight rather than using the left rein.
They also work on trot-walk-trot transitions with George reached into the reins. George demonstrates that he can do a lovely relaxed stretch in walk!
If you have any comments on this session, please use the comments section below. If you have any questions, please use the Real Life Riders forum (link above) so that we can respond.
Please note that discussions relating to the earlier Kirstin & George sessions can be found in the From Green to Great forum. The 'From Green to Great' and 'Retraining the Horse & Rider' series were merged to form 'Real Life Riders'.