Under Ali's expert guidance, Kirstin works on keeping George active and noticing when George is not paying attention/ focusing before something happens.
Kirstin focuses on keeping her right seat bone up and closer to the spine. Her seat bones being level have an immediate affect on the way George moves.
Ali uses the image of feet locking into skis with the horses long back muscles being the skis and Kirstin's seat bones being her feet to explain what Kirstin is aiming to achieve.
As they go into trot, Kirstin continues to focus on the analogy of the skis and uses a 'big thrust' to get George to take a longer stride and track up. They work on trot-walk-trot transitions, ensuring an active walk, going straight into the bigger trot and not hollowing.
Ali looks at George's canter for the first time and the impact of the trot beforehand and the position of Kirstin's seat bones in this gait.
If you have any comments on this session, please use the comments section below. If you have any questions, please use the Real Life Riders forum (link above) so that we can respond.
Please note that discussions relating to the earlier Kirstin & George sessions can be found in the From Green to Great forum. The 'From Green to Great' and 'Retraining the Horse & Rider' series were merged to form 'Real Life Riders'.