This session starts with a discussion about Chantal's right leg. Chantal is annoyed that her right leg was rotated out in the last dressage test and training session. Ali explains why it will take a while time for this problem to be resolved and suggests Chantal works on it whilst hacking.
Since her last session, Chantal has been focusing on 'slingshot'. With Chantal 'slingshotting', Mia does a fantastic walk which Chantal says is now 'normal'. Ali says there is always a better 'normal'! Ali has a look at Mia's trot before looking at 10m loops and 'little and big'.
Just like in walk, Mia has a new 'normal' trot. Chantal focuses on connecting her right seat bone to Mia's right hind and she finds this really works. Chantal also thinks about 'buttons to plaits' from a further back place as she 'slingshots'.
On the right rein in trot, Chantal has to think about leg yielding Mia out to keep her straight and 'suctioning' her out to avoid getting into pushing battle. Typically for a cob, Mia likes a bit of pushing into pressure!
Chantal practices some trot-walk-trot transitions and uses 'flex and step' to stop Mia setting her neck. Mia now has an affiliated novice trot! Ali suggests that Chantal thinks about 10m loops as if they are serpentines to avoid them getting 'leg yieldy'.
Chantal has to take into consideration Mia's dislike of bending right which means Chantal can't ride the loops as the text book would advise! On the right rein, Chantal has to think about right flexion when turning back to the track to avoid missing the letter.
What Chantal is creating is a mirror image but what she has to think is entirely different! On the left rein, Chantal has to think differently again about 10m loops. This rein is definitely easier as there is only one loop of right bend! Mia does some lovely loops in trot on both reins and is ready for their next dressage test!
Chantal has been practicing 'little and big' with the aim of getting medium trot. In 'little' trot, Chantal has to focus on 'slingshot' and lots of 'suction' to get Mia to bring her bum under her.
In 'big' trot Chantal has to maintain 'narrowness' as well as pushing forward with her hands and 'resisting my push'. To get medium trot, Mia has to be rev'ed and on the edge of canter. Chantal has to also think about 'suctioning the withers up'. She also has to make sure that she remembers to bring back the trot to normal after medium.
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