Following the last session, Claire has been focusing on her 'front tendons' and sitting more on the front of her left seat bone. Ali can see that this has helped Claire's position and in downward transitions.
Claire practices some trot-walk-trot transitions. She has to continue to think about her 'front tendons' but also think about 'slingshot' and 'pushing buttons to plaits' to encourage Savannah not to hollow. Ali thinks Savannah is very nosy and a bit of a control freak, just like her rider!
Claire has been having some problems in leg yield in trot with Savannah going out through her shoulder, especially on the right rein. Ali and Claire realise that Claire is actually giving a signal to Savannah to move her shoulders when she doesn't need to!
Ali is impressed with the improvements in canter and the fact that Claire seems to now have some brain space! Getting Claire to think about 'jumping back' when Savannah's neck comes up really helps Claire's position and the canter.
If you have any comments on this session, please use the comments section below. If you have any questions, please use the Real Life Riders forum (link above) so that we can respond.
Please note that discussions relating to the earlier Claire & Savannah sessions can be found in the From Green to Great forum. The 'From Green to Great' and 'Retraining the Horse & Rider' series were merged to form 'Real Life Riders'.