Welcome to this second video in our Super-Learner mini-series! We hope you are enjoying the journey and will welcome your feedback in the comments below.
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Really fascinating stuff! I’ve always thought I wasn’t a naturally talented rider but it’s great to hear that we can manufacture talent instead.
Yes becoming a great rider is a skill not something that just happens as if by magic to a small group of people. Becoming a more skillful rider is only dependent on having a skilful coach 😀
We can’t underestimate the benefit of continuous learning.
As long as we keeping our brains open to learning and seek out new learning opportunities we will keep learning throughout our lives 😀
I recently read ‘The Talent Code’ by Daniel Coyle and it explains so well how concious repetition of the correct feelings is what ensures we finally get to a place where the correct way of doing things becomes automatic. It gives an insight into how alot of successful famous people who you might consider ‘naturally talented’ have been manufactured. There is hope for all of us!
There certainly is a lot of hope and Daniel’s book is a really clear way of explaining why skilled riding is available for everyone.