Chantal and Mia begin by taking a looking at halt transitions again, after Chantal saying that stop/go had been a little dull, and that she'd been sharpening them up with groundwork. Ali mentions that it's worth looking at walk/halt to discover problems, because whatever problems appear in walk/halt will appear in the trot/walk, canter/trot transitions too. They then move on to little walk—big walk, then little trot—big trot, keeping the 'balloon inflated'.
Ali talks about the 'big' only being as good as your 'little', and using these movements to improve transitions as well as paces.They think about 'coiling the spring', then releasing it, and of keeping the energy in the 'little' version of the gait.
They then look at how the new trot affects the canter. They work on 'slingshot' in the trot/canter transition, and on playing basketball rather than Mia's preferred sport of rugby!