I have been so busy over the last couple of months with filming, website creation, membership site setup and a whole load of tech/admin that I have let the side down! I have hardly had time to ride and so my fitness has dropped a lot. Now I have some more time and with lots of events coming up which need me riding, I am starting to get fit. If anyone has read my book Master Dressage they will know what a wuss I am about getting fit. Just imagine a techno-geek sat in front of a 4 screen computer configuration with application open in all of them and you will have a good picture! I also prefer to improve my cardio fitness before I do much with my horses – I'd rather not subject them to me flopping around lacking tone and not able to take responsibility for my own body weight.
Let me just say right off that I am not a fitness professional. The chapter in my book describes how I dropped several stone and improved my fitness without causing an existential crisis but I only describe my experience.
I improve my cardio fitness by using my treadmill or by running outdoors. By choice, I would rather use the treadmill any day as I can also keep an eye on the business from my iPad, watch education videos or catch up on my favourite TV shows.
I improve my cardio fitness by using my treadmill or by running outdoors. By choice, I would rather use the treadmill any day as I can also keep an eye on the business from my iPad, watch education videos or catch up on my favourite TV shows.
Look, I just can’t do it… I can’t just get on a treadmill and run… I have to work myself up to it. So the most important thing for me is to mix walking with running. When I first start out I walk for the first 5 mins then throw in some running and then drop down again the moment I start getting high heart rate or just plain tired.
It’s OK to run only for a few minutes. You can build it up. At the moment I am walking at about 6km per hour and then switch up to 10-11km per hour for my running. You may need to start slower to begin with. I do approximately 7km in about 1hr at the moment and I’m only just starting to regain fitness.
It’s OK to run only for a few minutes. You can build it up. At the moment I am walking at about 6km per hour and then switch up to 10-11km per hour for my running. You may need to start slower to begin with. I do approximately 7km in about 1hr at the moment and I’m only just starting to regain fitness.
MUSIC! Music selection is so important. I use Spotify to build up a list of tracks which suit both running and walking. I have my walking tracks which allow me to get a good 6km/hr rate and then my running/jogging tracks which allow me to hit anywhere from 9km/hr up to 11km/hr. Just remember you don’t have to be pedantic about BPM but the tracks need to be motivating and allow you to run in time with the beat. There is plenty of leeway – some tracks you might have to take bigger or shorter steps to stay in time. I love it as I mix up my stride length, breaking up the monotony of it. Here are a few of my track selections – have a listen – I love them 🙂
10kmph to 11kmph

Heartbeat Loud – Extended Edition Andy C & Fiora
Starts off a little slower and then kicks in – pulls you into running :)
Starts off a little slower and then kicks in – pulls you into running :)