Rider Biomechanics Templates



Zoom in with Mary and hone in on the essence of World Class Basics, through the lens of Rider Biomechanics. 

Do listen to this introductory video before you dive in!

The Gaits

“Begin with the end in mind” ~ Steven Covey

Good, horse-friendly riding in the basic gaits.

These sessions demonstrate angles, posture, body movements and timing to illuminate the foundations of good Rider Biomechanics in each gait. You will start to train your eye so that you can begin to see the details of what really works for you and your horse. We’re here to help you develop these skills step by step, in bite-sized chunks!

We hope you are inspired by this, and will welcome your feedback in the comments! We’d love to see photos or links to videos of you and your horse.

Walk Template

Let's start by looking at Rider Biomechanics in walk.

Rising Trot Template

Analysing good Rider Biomechanics in rising trot.

Ages and Stages

“Sharpen the saw” ~ Steven Covey

See riders and their horses working on the next step of their evolution.

Skill development job is never a done deal and much of the satisfaction lies in the journey rather than the destination.

These sessions look at incremental improvement at the margins of each rider’s skill as part of a continuous and never-ending improvement where horse and rider learn together.

Small changes can lead to massive improvements, or the rider can convince themselves that they are changing but not really leaving the comfort of “home”.

Walk Template

Let's start by looking at Rider Biomechanics in walk.

Rising Trot Template

Analysing good Rider Biomechanics in rising trot.


We welcome your feedback, questions, photos and links to your YouTube video here! Our coaches are ready to help.

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Great idea as I have always struggled to train my eye to see the overall picture so really looking forward to these templates as already learned so much from dressage training

Sue R

I found that fascinating. So many things make more sense when you slow the video down.