Feel Safer Bonus Replay
This webinar is password-protected. We have emailed the password to all the people who qualify for this bonus.
This webinar begins with a poll. We’ve provided an online version of this poll so that you can review the questions and submit your answers before you start watching.
Partway through the webinar, there is a second poll. When you get to that point, we suggest that you pause your replay and review the questions.
We appreciate your input!
This webinar begins with a poll. We’ve provided an online version of this poll so that you can review the questions and submit your answers before you start watching.
Partway through the webinar, there is a second poll. When you get to that point, we suggest that you pause your replay and review the questions.
The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle, available in paperback and audiobook.
Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything, B J Fogg, paperback and audiobook
Atomic Habits: An Easy And Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones, James Clear, paperback
The Path Of Least Resistance, Robert Fritz, paperback
Nudge, Richard H Thaler & Cass R Sunstein, paperback and audiobook
Balloon Breathing – https://www.dressagetraining.tv/balloon-breathing
Values In Action (VIA) – https://www.viacharacter.org/
Balloon Breathing – https://www.dressagetraining.tv/balloon-breathing
Podcasts – https://www.dressagetraining.tv/mary-wanless-podcast